Brad Broussard will be opening the 41st Louisiana Railroad Festival on Thursday Apr. 11, at 5 p.m.
Born and raised in Southwest Louisiana, Broussard is an Entertainer/Singer/Songwriter in the business since 1992 with the formation of his first group Chute 13. Performing in several bands through the years, he settled into solo acoustic shows in 2009 and then most recently reunited with former Chute 13 drummer Jay Sonnier to do a singing guitarist/drummer 2-man show with much success.
In 2015, Broussard recorded his first CD ‘Don’t Let The Hat Fool Ya!’ in which three of his singles are available in digital format whereever great music is sold with the intensely popular song ‘The Duck Blind’ really taking off around the world. He is currently back in the studio set to release his next single from the ‘Slightly Above Average’ collection in early 2023.
Broussard performs throughout the gulf coast on a regular basis and is known as one of the best entertainers around with a mix of almost every genre of music. He is commonly referred to as Mr. Medley or The Jukebox. If you haven’t experienced a Brad Broussard or Chute13 show it’s really hard to put into words, the magic his music/delivery has on you. You can catch a Brad Broussard show or a Chute 13 show on a monthly basis and you can check out his schedule https://www.facebook.com/bradbroussard13 or email at Chute13@icloud.com